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Transplanted from Helsinki, Finland, I came to the US at a young age and promptly lost my accent. Currently I live in California where I write and play Mr. Mom to two wonderful but annoying boys and three even more annoying cats.

I currently await the publishing of the next in the BSI series, The Spirit In St. Louis while losing sleep and stalking my eye doctor.

Coming Up:

Denver Comic Con was a blast! Met some great peeps, such as Sherry Ficklin and Aaron Michael Richey and Kevin Ikenberry. There were so many more I can't name them all because I will run out of space here. I don't know when I will hit another con, but I sure will try soon.

Currently I am working on the third book of the Judas Line Trilogy named The Judas Revelation. I am hoping to have all three books in print soon from Camel Press.

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